Universities, Diversity and
the (latest) Douchebags of the Right.
So there's a suggestion that
Universities are the enemy of the Right. As an employee of a University, which appears
to me to be rather traditional and rigid, this is marginally surprising. But of
course, the White patriarchy somehow refuses to die, and continues to be
frightened at the prospect of an inclusive society in which the 'other' may be
able to participate, prosper or otherwise achieve something of equilibrium of
opportunity. I know, the 'others' are just lazy and haven't bothered to pull
themselves up by their bootstraps and so on. What need be said further about
this? I feel it's been explained over and over in these pages. Well, of course,
the astonishment goes on as a result of the recent conquest of all 3 branches
of the rather beetle-infested government tree.
So why does this dynamic not
immediately degrade into full on race war? Probably because the potency of the
consumer sedatives is at an all time high; Huxley
would be impressed, first by society following his advice and second by the
degree of his prophecy realized. But that aside, we are talking about an
acceptance that anyone holding any rein of power, will use it for one's own
betterment and that of his tribe. And I get hassled for being misanthropic; for
the situation unfolding before us be apparently not as I may interpret it, it's
no place for a killjoy. For dog's sake, I wish replacement (the theory) was
coming to pass; it can't arrive too soon - this except I have no faith in
people of color; as I have no faith in people of the pale. The future will no
doubt be a disaster, regardless.
Let me back up and describe
the origin of these diatribes. The Right in 2024, has set sights upon the
'swamps' of higher learning, as mills for their opposition, hardly a new
practice, associated with fascists throughout history. The depravities of those
who can't figure out if they are boys or girls, those who might believe it is
acceptable if not desirable to think of a Human race, and the weirdest idea
ever: That the only tiny chance that humanity survive and transcend constant
conflict, endless tragedy and unnecessary pain and despair, be approached by inclusion
rather than oppression. And the "Leftist Lunacy" in this thought, it
does not subscribe to the myth of the Noble Savage - There (t)ain't no noble Human bein', never
was, never will be, sophisticated or barbaric. In this, Humans and those Humans
call Sub-Human bear resemblance. Further, that learned institutions, with their
populations of the unpopular, repressed with deep resentments from high school
blue balls, full of over-compensations, such bloated interests in accolades, so
yearning to hear the academic's longing: "You're ever so clever, your work
so cutting edge and important, your consulting positions in business and
government so in the wings waiting." My actual despair is centered on the
gaseous hope, pinned to the notion of unequivocal truths - I must insist that
the Fact is out there, as long as it not be delivered by the tongue of man.
Mr. Vance apparently made the
statement: 'In order to do the things we want to do (for the country!), we need
to attack the universities.' I assume "Project 2025" and other
Fascist laundry lists take care of "things we want to do;" I needn't
list them. However, my astonishment continues in that somehow these people are
not shouted down by even the whispering milk-toast centrists for attempting to
"do things for US." As far as I can tell, I am still a member of
'this country' and I hereby reject an attempt by Mr. Vance or anyone else to
"do anything for me." I will always admit I have no power, political
or otherwise, though I might want to insist that some 51% of the population,
the fairer sex, would not want Mr. Vance to do anything for them either, for
obvious reasons. Of course, what is being suggested is that these people are
not planning to "Do things for us" - they will be attempting to IMPOSE
characterization, than 'doing something for someone,' some sort of amazing
favor. Perhaps Mr. Vance could 'replace my truck motor for me' - now that would
be an acceptable favor.
As to "Attacking the
Universities," perhaps we can think of this as playground nonsense. The
Right wants to almost credit Universities as the bastions of knowledge that
they indeed are, can be or at least to which they largely contribute; Vance and
Co. announcing their potency by conceding to their potency. The supposition is
that these are places where many people and futures and technologies and
networks and so on are developed, and where (some of) society's leaders are
nurtured, where (some) policies are outlined - this despite the Right's
insistence that the private sector is so much smarter and leaner and efficient;
here we can make a distinction between dichotomies: Government entities vs.
Corporations and Public vs Private higher education.
Nevertheless, we see the
parents of the Right, White with fright, over a children's book about a
chipmunk who can't decide if he's a girl or a if she
is a boy. We see essentially the same freakout over amerikan universities, containing classes or affiliations
allowing refuge for "Leftist Lunatics," scientific discovery,
compensations for the traditionally oppressed: Essentially identical paranoid
alarmism. I personally would not shed tears if, for example, Christianity
dissolved to zero parishioners tomorrow at the hand of someone's
dissertation - but I don't think that is
going to happen. Of course the Right would contend the degradation of 'Great
Amerika' is more subtle and insidious; young people today, with their 'pot
parties' as I was thought to travel through when I was a teenager (decades
after Refer-Madness) - I.E. pick your depravity of choice, it's all part of the
moral breakdown, not just as the result of random activity or area of study at
a university. But more specifically, it is a result of People of Color, rampantly
raging around campuses talking about the amerikan
slave experience, its present tentacles, or whatever other feelers that tickle
the guilt and resentment follicles of the white amerikan.
Oh no, a descendent of slave holders having to confront the actual past, men
whose family wealth has inherently grown even if the interest be only paid out
in the form of the pale skin, that may lead house detectives in the hardware
store to stay seated when viewing the acceptable upstanding citizen customer.
On no, one wouldn't want to feel uncomfortable reflecting on such histories
that do not support the victor's history; the voice of the voiceless is a
blackboard screech, the hands be quickly raised to muffle the ears.
But the reference to a real
history of course is at the heart of issue. Who's to say what really happened
in this human history? Apparently evidence, which has always been ignored,
suppressed or altered, is now to be manipulated with such new micro-precision
by the tools of the tech bros, as to render it a fleeting blur. We said 30
years ago: "Mourn the death of subtlety." now we say: "Mourn the
death of reality." The Right says: We can't know." At least Stalin
thought we could know; if you alter a photograph you best kill the photographer's
darkroom assistant lest he have loose lips at the vodka bar. And then to the
point: The Right says: 'The sky is blood red.' The academics say: 'The sky is
mostly blue, refer to the thousands of research papers for details.' The
sedated populations merely say: 'Where's my phone? I have a green-screen
picture of the sky somewhere, wait, just let me check on something - I need to
update my insta-waste feed.'
I don't wish to simply
collapse under the behemoth of 'alternative' facts, though it be heavy:
"Atlas, please get up off the couch and help me over here."
Perhaps an example: I'm not
one really to give a flip about whether a Jerry-Right-God-Boy need continue to
hide his homo-thoughts, as don't I find particular alarm in returning a
nameless gay to a closet, though I wouldn't escort him personally. This, as a
confession, only slightly less rude than admitting without even tiny remorse,
that one be a racist or an anti-semite. I say this
with perhaps temporary immunity from consequence, as I've not discovered myself
or my son to be a gay, dragged to death behind a bigot's pickup truck or
otherwise. Among my enemies 2nd tallest is hypocrisy. But if we say that in the
list of "Things we want to do." is to eliminate homosexual tendencies
(a war on the homo sounds expensive, the Right isn't listening to their
financial house-in-order types.) Where do they start, just after forcing them
to answer the question 'Why do they care?' And I guess after disposing of any
respect for demonstrable truths, we can then make claim that this aim is
possible. Aside from cats having emerged from bags, the assumption that at
least we can 'cram the homos back into the closet,' despite knowing some of
them from the looking glass, and then out of sight, out if mind. And at the
universities my grandchildren won't be tempted at the 'pot party' to 'try to be
a homo' because it 'might be a fun life experience. I don't want to miss out on
anything.' And then if the new homo repression doesn't quite solve anything, we
can what, withhold federal funding for not only 'Leftist Lunatics' but leverage
and lobby for mandatory 'Hetro-conversion' courses on
campus, bring back another 'great amerikan' gem, the
electro-shock, or pin our paranoid hopes on new drugs discovered by the
tech-bro's thoughtful computers, that will turn you back into a guy who can
tolerate ejaculating in a woman?
I'm a broken record, such is
my fate, to prolong my lifelong hatred of those who endlessly justify their
often unaware but worse, conscious insistence on IMPOSING THEIR BULLSHIT NOTIONS
ON OTHERS. And from the bark-holes of those who talk of 'freedom' - it is a
truly unbelievable situation. I may well go to my urn shaking my head, not from
Parkinson's, but from a lifelong bewilderment in the words and actions of man.
Mr. Vance may or may not
reference Harvard Presidents, I don't recall; but to listen to him talking
again for the purpose of verification may buy me another ticket to the
vomitorium, and I've worn out my welcome there. But the fact is, these people
cannot accept 'Diversity hires' (even if such a person they mean to describe is
solely a placeholder of color, a P.O.C. indeed, and in turn, indeed has no
qualifications to hold the position in question, on this standard of 'merit'
the Right is so fond of waving around). And in this they are crying wolf,
referencing a problem that doesn't exist. OMG, I'm suggesting that if such
unqualified people be installed in positions traditionally held by whites or
white men alone, WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK? It hardly matters. And oh no, a black
person holds a job, in which any number of other people would engage in some
other version of 'working to aid my brethren' - that's never something white
men have ever done, and certainly there have never been unqualified white men
in positions... ...oh wait, whatever you do, don't look in the mirror. And this
is all a rather minor point, in that, dare I guess that most black people in
positions are actually qualified to do their jobs?
In other words, as I've
pointed out in other forums, IT IS OF NO CONSEQUENCE that I, as a white man in amerika, proclaim that I HAVE NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER
admitting that amerika was established by criminals
and malcontents from the old world, who launched upon the north-amerikan continent engaging in the torture and extermination
of the previous populations and thenceforth built an industrial society and
wealth structure on the backs of enslaved Africans. THIS TRUTH AND ADMISSION
HAS NO REFLECTION ON ME PERSONALLY, I am not degraded by these facts, they do
not hinder me or cast a layer of filth upon me or my families. I compare this
admission as a dynamic with the dynamic of the offense of DEI, just to say that
the Right is totally misguided to be concerned of either of these concepts -
the latter being so central to the nation and so much the larger concern and
STILL is pointless to hide from.
But then here I go again
talking about a Human race, with its universal mediocrity as its basis for occasional
good deeds and accomplishments. Of course the 'tech-bros' (as Rushkoff so
perfectly calls them) have a solution to this: Thinking computers. And therein,
while we're off celebrating another day of leisure, the new autobot
president of Harvard will decree another endowment-funded data-center with
adjacent nuclear power substation, while hopefully Elon and his bro ilk hurdle
their Mars-bound rocket mistakenly into the sun.
I might also suggest a flag
of honor known as 'meritocracy,' waving around in the bad viagra
breath emerging from the lips of the Right, is less prestigious than all that.
And the movement of this flag better described by the thugs I saw in an
intersection right-of-way argument I witnessed recently - wherein one party
accused the other of dilly-dallying in the intersection, thereby causing
delays, proclaiming "(You are) ...Jus hangin'
there like my dick." By I digress...
What was particularly
shocking about the comments of Mr. Vance (and I suppose innumerable other
shark's teeth douchebags who seem somehow still able to recruit women with
which to breed, another mind-blowing phenom), quoting such fearful, nasty and
hideous men like Nixon, was the degree to which we all seem to be standing by
in impotency while an alternate universe of complete and utter bullshit
non-reality and false statements shall be installed, and apparently focused now
at institutions of 'higher learning.' Even the most devoted and submerged
academic at least gives lip service to reality, the deeply important banners of
the 'scientific process' and peer review. And peers would include the public at
large, who ultimately digest the trickles that glisten downward from the ivory
towers and they can taste bullshit on their lips, albeit some years after the
ceremonies and acrimonies. In other words, if one wants to dispose of reality,
like draining swimming pools full of olympians and
physical therapy patients alike - I'm sorry, but I must insist: YOU HAVE TO ASK
THE PEOPLE WHO ARE USING IT FIRST - I want to use reality throughout my
lifetime; come back later when I'm done with it. (I'm not sure how my son feels
about it, you'll have to ask him.)
Are there no words with which
to tear down the fictitious 'meritocracy?' Of course, there are people of color
of the past or recently brought on to positions of power who may fall short of
all that is expected of them, even or mostly by their own creed. In relation to
the behavior of the leaders drawn from dominant whitey throughout history, this
is nothing if not normal. Will the 'others' who manage to control things
succumb to cronyism, strive to 'help their own...' - yes of course. And where
are the examples of the status quo whites above this sort of behavior? They are
nowhere to be found, now, or in the past, because they have NEVER existed.
But you say: "Can't you
just cut to the core of this? The Right is just a coalition of shit-grin
assholes who want 'it' all for themselves. The moralists floating in their
godly fairytales, are just ghosts, tethered to the Right's lip-service to swell
the numbers. God-boys with teeth might well bite Mr. Vance should they not be
hypnotized by the sweet taste of Coney-Barrett's thigh sweat. All the rhetoric
is just smoke screen, because there may be some smoldering morality, some tiny memories
from Sunday school in the minds of these wankers, just a little speck voice,
now and again, informing them that maybe they're being dicks. It's Pinker's 'tragic vision of human behavior' - everyone
everywhere, throughout history, grabs whatever they can grab, just like the
lion and the leaf-cutter ant. They want to be with their own, with their
plunder, and every man or 'Sub-Human' desires the same. So shut the fuck up and
get grabbin' lest you starve."
You may well be a smarter and
stronger man than I. Does the measuring tape you wrap around my skull employ
logical units?
Look, not only am I generally
misanthropic, many people, of all sorts of culture and attribute, bug the shit
out of me. But I am not xenophobic nor do I think I'm entitled to live well,
live in any particular place or obtain any particular wealth - in fact I'm not
entitled to anything at all - NO ONE IS, despite how smart or strong you think
you are. I personally hope for nominal sustenance, to be treated with something
of 'fairness,' with due respect, should I succeed (and perhaps only if I do) in
treading lightly, doing what I will without generating harm. We are ants in
this world, worthless specks in this solar system, and absolutely meaningless
in this universe and beyond. Or am I relying too much on facts, dog forbid?
Right, so since whatever
anyone happens to say is reality now (just as it has been for most of human
history), then there's no solar system, no universe, the earth is made of god's
bowel movements, it's 6000 years old, all women really want to do is the dishes
and black people want to hone their work skills as slave laborers, and everyone
who lives outside of white amerika will never launch
nuclear weapons. And if they manage to, in the end, they will be too incompetent
to win a real war against Raytheon, Boeing and Macdonald-Douglass. And our sons
and daughters with their video gaming skills will surely triumph, operating the
drones from deep in the bunkers opened up by Elon's boring machines. Sorry, but
you really pissed me off for a second. Wait, I'm not sorry.